Current Conditions
Outside Temperature | -3.2 °C | |
Wind Chill | -3.2 °C | |
Heat Index | -3.2 °C | |
Dewpoint | -5.7 °C | |
Humidity | 83 % | |
Barometer | 1029 mbar | |
Barometer Trend (3 h) | 2 mbar | |
Wind | 0.0 km/h N/A ( N/A) | |
Wind Gust | 0.0 km/h | |
Rain | 0.0 mm | |
Rain Rate | 0.0 mm/h | |
Rain this month | 30.4 mm | |
Rain this year | 148.3 mm | |
Inside Temperature | 20.9 °C | |
Inside Temperature 1 | N/A | |
Inside Humidity | 54 % | |
Inside Humidity 1 | N/A | |
UV | 0 | |
Solar Radiation | 0 W/m² | |
Batery Status | N/A |
Since Midnight
High Temperature | -3.2 °C | 00:05:00 |
Low Temperature | -3.3 °C | 00:06:16 |
High Heat Index | -3.2 °C | 00:05:00 |
Low Wind Chill | -3.3 °C | 00:06:16 |
High Dewpoint | -5.7 °C | 00:00:04 |
Low Dewpoint | -5.9 °C | 00:06:16 |
High Humidity | 83 % | 00:00:04 |
Low Humidity | 82 % | 00:00:35 |
High Barometer | 1029 mbar | 00:18:40 |
Low Barometer | 1029 mbar | 00:00:04 |
Rain | 0.0 mm | |
High Rain Rate | 0.0 mm/h | 00:00:04 |
High Wind | 1.8 km/h | 00:09:22 |
Average Wind | 0.0 km/h | |
RMS Wind | 0.0 km/h | |
High UV | 0 | 00:00:04 |
High Radiation | 0 W/m² | 00:00:04 |
High Inside Temperature | 21.0 °C | 00:01:37 |
Low Inside Temperature | 20.9 °C | 00:00:04 |
High Inside Temperature 1 | N/A | N/A |
Low Inside Temperature 1 | N/A | N/A |
High Inside Temperature (DHT22) | 21.0 °C | N/A |
Low Inside Temperature (DHT22) | 20.9 °C | N/A | vremenski podatki
Last Earthquakes (<1000 km, M≥2)
Date and time: | 17. 02. 2025 00:19:52 CET |
Location: | 2 km WSW of Bagnoli, Italy |
Magnitude: | 2.9 |
Latitude: | 40.8039 ° |
Longitude: | 14.1469 ° |
Depth: | 10 km |
Start civil twilight: | 06:26:32 |
Sunrise: | 06:57:21 |
Transit: | 12:15:30 |
Sunset: | 17:34:21 |
End civil twilight: | 18:05:12 |
Equinox: | 20/03/25 10:01:14 |
Solstice: | 21/06/25 04:42:18 |
Moonrise: | 01:05:18 |
Transit: | 04:43:44 |
Moonset: | 09:21:31 |
New Moon:: | 28/02/25 01:44:45 |
Full Moon: | 14/03/25 07:54:35 |
Moon Phase | Last quarter (67% polne lune) |